5 tips to keep your hands soft and smooth all day long

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Tips to keep your hands soft and smooth all day long. In addition to the girls, they pay attention to facial skin care a lot. Another external organ that should be nourished to be beautiful and healthy is the hands. The human hands are organs that have the opportunity to touch and see very clearly. Today we will invite girls to nourish their hands to be beautiful and healthy. And can feel the smoothness with 5 easy-to-follow tips as follows:

1. Make sure to manage your hands with various postures
Although each person’s physical characteristics are different. But did you know that we can make beautiful slender hands with hand exercises? It starts with 10 fisting and bracing moves, 10 interlocking and bending sessions, 10 hand waving, and 10 finger waves. Do it every day. It will help you to have beautiful slender hands.

2. Nourish your hands according to the steps
In addition to managing your hands to make your hands slender and beautiful. Keeping your hands soft and smooth is another secret that girls shouldn’t miss, starting with applying hand cream after washing your hands to keep the moisture from evaporating from your hands. Choose a cream that is fragrance-free and can retain moisture for a long time. Choose a hand sanitizer that contains skin nourishing ingredients. and always wear gloves before going to bed To prevent dry hands from sleeping in an air-conditioned room Hand cream should be applied before wearing gloves to help soften the skin on the hands.

3. Take care of your hands to be white and smooth in various ways
when the hands of girls It is soft and smooth to the touch. Another thing that girls It is not to be missed. Taking care of the skin around the hands to be naturally white and smooth. They should choose a method that focuses primarily on safety. which recommends a hand spa By scrubbing all over the hand. Continue by applying sunscreen on your hands every day. And followed by the use of a hand cream that is a whitening formula. It will help nourish the skin of the hands. along with adding radiance to your hands as well

4. Solve the problem of dry hands, peeling on the spot
In addition to nourishing the skin of the hands Another thing that girls Must keep an eye on it is. The problem of dry and peeling hands by the girls must be very careful in this regard. Because the factors that cause problems with dry, peeling skin are chemicals, sunlight, and excessive hand washing habits. The solution to dry and peeling hands is to soak your hands in warm water. Massage with vitamin E oil Cucumber hand rub or a hand mask with aloe vera, etc.

5. Intensive care for your hands to be smooth and soft
For girls who want their hands to be very smooth and soft. especially those who have a problem with rough hands Care should be taken to care for the skin of the hands by trying to avoid contact with hot water. and should not mask your hands often But focus on applying hand cream every day. It will help change from a harsh hand to a soft hand that is soft and smooth to the touch.

Do not forget that women, we should not focus only on facial skin care. Because if the hands of the girls looks unclean or the skin on the hand is not good It would have contributed to the confidence of the girls. can be reduced as well Therefore, the skin should be beautiful and perfect in every part of the body. It will help increase confidence in girls. even more